Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So lets take a break with the punk, and you can get to know me. I'm assuming that not one soul has wandered on to my mind-numbingly boring blog, but i almost like it better that way. It makes this whole thing more like a journal and less like a blog.
Today is day two of the job search, luckily friendlys seems interested in me. Ewh. Hopefully the job at the glass blowing place i applied to will work out. Because who doesn't want bongs for cheap?
Any who- I am so fucking bored in vermont. I just moved back here from Boston. Quite the change. As of now i am living with my parents until june 1st when i can move into my place. Now don't get me wrong, i love my parents, they mean well. But my piercing and punk music doesn't exactly go with my mothers conservative j-crew look she has going on(love her to death). But on the other hand my dad is fucking awesome, recently we've been spending a lot of time together shooting, looking at guns, drinking beer, him making fun of me because i'm a pot head, it's a loving relationship. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Thats enough of meghan for one day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This is JELLO BIAFRA, singer of the DEAD KENNEDYS. Jello is california raised, and one of the few punks i love that is still ALIVE which is lovely. Sadly jello is now my mothers age, fat, and balding. It's okay, he was awesome in his prime. When listening to jellos lyrics (for example) "now i've got diarrhea, too drunk to fuck." one would think he was just a misfit with an obsession with anarchy, but he is MUCH more than that. This crazy, strange moving man actually ran for mayor of San Francisco, with his catch phrase being "there's always room for jello".... how fucking cool is that? Although he did not win the election the fact that a rock and roll punk actually wanted to be involved in politics and not just spray paint anarchy symbols around the world for the rest of his life and not do anything about it. His platform were bizarre things just as forcing business men to wear clown suites or perhaps his idea to band cars city wide, and use bicycles as transportation, he is so fucking cool. Its unfair.

In the end jello got screwed by the people of america and his band members. The "parent music recourse center" (bullshit) gave him a hard time because of some lyrics and posters from the band, and soon after his band members gave him shit for legal rights to songs, WHICH HE WROTE. I will defend Biafra until the day i die.

there is always room for jello ;]

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First and foremost the lovely sid and nancy:

This is Sid and Nancy. For those of you who don't have a brain Sid Vicious was the bassist in the Sex Pistols. Vicious is the crack to my cocaine, i'd do terrible terrible unholy things just to touch his rotting corpse.
My obsession with the couple is not just because of there sex, drugs and rock and roll appeal (which is sexy as fuck) but also all the mystery that comes with them. October 12 1978 is the day that Nancy Sprungen was found stabbed and crinkled up on the bathroom floor. Peoples initial thought was that Sid murdered her, personally i don't believe he did. She was a crazy bitch from the moment she was born, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was her own doing. Some also think that the drug dealers that stopped by the Chelsea hotel where her body was found in NYC that night could have had something to do with it. Sadly we will never know how Nancy died, because only a few months later sid vicious died of a drug overdose before he even went to court. He had a note in his pocket when he died which was nauseatingly adorable: "we had a death pact, i have to keep my half of the bargain. Please bury me next to my baby, bury me in my leather jacket, jeans and motor cycle boots".
So i may be in love with a dead man, who gives a fuck? He was the bassist for the fucking sex pistols. Hopefully there is somebody else out there who has a little vicious in him.